Otsuka – A dog café that respects your privacy (by reservation only)

Basic Info.
Inu No Jikan (English: Hour of the Dog) is a dog café located in Otsuka. It is by reservation only and lets you have a relaxing time with its eight dogs. A Toy Poodle, a Shi-Tzu, a Chihuahua, and other breeds will greet you enthusiastically. Enjoy a private time with these cute dogs.
Spot Info.
・Name: Inu No Jikan
- Travel time (approx.): Closest station – 7min. from JR Otsuka Station
30min. from JR Tokyo Station, 20min. from JR Shinjuku Station
- Schedule:
Guest information - Price per person
First hour 1500 (price includes a soft drink and snacks for the dogs)
every 30min. thereafter 500
*Minimum number of persons per reservation: 2
*Rent out for parties of 5-10; Rent out for parties of 4 or less possible (7500/hour)
Area Info.
日本語・English-豊島区観光協会・Toshimacity Tourism Association