Ikebukuro – Feel at home and get cozy at this rabbit café

Basic Info.
Situated in the tourist hotspot of Ikebukuro, this rabbit café offers meticulous service in English. The cozy interior makes you feel as if you came home to your rabbits. Relax and play with the many cute rabbits, including the rare lionhead rabbit.
Spot Info.
・Name: Ikebukuro rabbit café Usabibi
- Travel time (approx.): Closest station – 7min. from JR Ikebukuro Station West Gate
- Access from landmarks: 25min. from JR Tokyo Station, 15min. from JR Shinjuku Station
Guest information
- Priority seating for reservations
- Price per person
First hour 1100 (free drinks)
every 30min. thereafter 700 - Rent out 8000 per hour
- Treats for the rabbits 200
* Information and menu available in English. Please aske our English-speaking staff.
English-Ikebukuro rabbit cafe usabibi
日本語-池袋うさぎカフェ うさびび
Area Info.
日本語・English-豊島区観光協会・Toshimacity Tourrism Association http://www.kanko-toshima.jp/
Photo Info.
(C):Ikebukuro rabbit cafe usabibi