Meguro – Hyakudan Kaidan (stairway of 100 steps) 2019 WANO AKARI– Meguro Gajoen

Basic Info.
The Hyakudan Kaidan (stairway of 100 steps) 2019 at the Meguro Gajoen is defined as a cultural property. This summer, the Haykudan Kaidan will be lit up by Japanese lights. Lanterns from various festivals will be displayed. During this exhibition, photography will be allowed (no flash, no tripod, no selfie stick).
Spot Info.
・Name: Meguro Gajoen
- Travel time (approx.): Closest station – 3min. from JR Meguro Station
- Travel time from landmarks (approx.): 20min. from JR Tokyo Station, 15min. from JR Shinjuku Station
Events: Wa no Akari x Haykudan Kaidan (Japanese Lights x Stairway of 100 Steps) 2019~Japanese colors, Japanese festivals~
[Sunday – Thursday]: 10AM – 6PM (last admission 5:30PM)
Night tour 6:30PM – 7:30PM, dinner after the tour
[Friday & Saturday]: 10AM – 7PM (last admission 6:30PM)
Night tour 6:30PM – 7:30PM, dinner after tour
○box office ticket: Adult 1600
July 6st – Sep. 1th 2019
日本語・English-目黒雅叙園・Meguro Gajoen
Area Info.
Photo Info.
C:Meguro Gajoen 「 Hyakudan Kaidan 」Aomori Nebuta