Shin-Kyogoku – Cafes and restaurants popular among Non-Japanese people(in KYOTO) – Vegetarian Restaurant SOHSOH

Basic Info.
The Vegetarian Restaurant SOHSOH is located on the shopping street of Shin-Kyogoku and operates under the concept of eating as much vegetable as possible. They serve healthy meals, as well as a la carte Kyoto vegetables, fresh fish, and more and is popular among vegetarians.
Spot Info.
・Name: Vegetarian Restaurant SOHSOH
・Travel time (approx.): Closest station – 5min. from Karasuma Line Kyoto Shiyakusho Station
・Travel time from landmarks (approx.): 15min. from JR Kyoto Station
- Information: Vegetarian Restaurant SOHSOH Shin-Kyogoku Store
○Hours: 11AM – 10PM
○Closed on Tuesdays
Lunch/Dinner meals from 1200
日本語のみ-お野菜食堂SOHSOH 新京極店
Area Info.
日本語・English-京都市観光協会・Kyoto City Tourism Association