Kameido – Wisterias portrayed in the ukiyoe „One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” – Kameido Tenjin Shrine

Basic Info.
・Appeal: Since the Edo Era, Kameido Tenjin Shrine has been known as the best place to view wisterias. The 350-year-old Kameido Tenjin Shrine is also known as the God of learning. From late April, 100 wisterias bloom in the shrine’s precinct. The Wisteria Festival has entertainments like shamisen, koto, and kagura during the day and in the evenings, the wisterias will be lit up – perfect opportunity to capture the Tokyo Skytree with the wisterias. The lights will be on from sundown to 10PM.
Spot Info.
・名前:亀戸天神神社 ・所要時間(約)最寄駅 – 15分 総武線亀戸駅北口より15分 総武線と半蔵門線錦糸町駅北口、右Tobusバスは亀戸Tenijinを停止することによってから ・情報:亀戸天神藤まつり ○Schduke 4月13日から番目(土) – 5月6日目(月) ○入場料:無料 ・関連リンク: <詳細> English- 亀戸天神神社 http://www.gotokyo.org/en/kanko/koto/event/fujimatsuri.html 日本語 – 亀戸天神社http://kameidotenjin.or.jp/
Area Info.
日本語・English-江東おでかけ情報局/ General Incorporated Association Koto City Tourism http://koto-kanko.jp/