Meguro –the“HYAKUDAN Hinamatsuri”– Meguro Gajoen

Basic Info.
Introducing different regions every year, the“HYAKUDAN Hinamatsuri”exhibit displays historic ornamental dolls from various prefectures across Japan. “Hina dolls stories of Izumo, Inaba, Hagi” as the main theme, 2020 marks the 11th year of this event.
Including elegant “kokin-bina”(Edo-style and period Hina dolls)passed down through old families, miniature folk toys that fit in your hands, masterpiece Hina dolls of varying ages from the towns in Tottori, Shimane and Yamaguchi will assemble at the Registered tangible property, HYAKUDAN KAIDAN.
Usually displayed only in their locality, be sure to enjoy the rare opportunity to visit with these wonderful Hina dolls.
Spot Info.
- 所要時間(約):最寄駅 – 3分 JR目黒駅から
- ランドマークからの所要時間(約):20分 JR東京駅から15分 JR新宿駅から
日本語・英語 – 目黒雅叙園・目黒学園
Area Info.
日本語・English-めぐろ観光まちづくり協会・Meguro Tourism Assosiation