Roppongi-260th Anniversary of Katsushika Hokusai Special Exhibition, Hokusai Tsukushi-Tokyo Midtown

Basic Info.
Hokusai Katsushika (1760-1849), a painter who is a painter, for 70 years from his debut as an ukiyo-e artist at the age of 20 until his death at the age of 90.
In commemoration of the 260th anniversary of its birth, an unprecedented special exhibition where all pages (pages), all points, and all drawings of the representative works “Hokusai Manga”, “Fugaku 36 Views”, and “Fugaku Hyakukei” are gathered together. It will be held.
In this exhibition, gorgeous members who respect Hokusai will gather. Mr. Mitsuru Urakami, the world’s number one Hokusai Manga collector, and Mr. Tsuyoshi Tane, an architect who designed the venue for the “Hokusai Exhibition” at the Grand Palais (Paris, France) in 2014, “Hokusai Manga” (2011) The exhibition space was built by Shin Sobue, a genius art director and book designer who also worked on binding.
The space is edited by Mari Hashimoto, a writer and editor in charge of the special feature on Japanese art in “BRUTUS”, and the expression technology of Toppan printing, which specializes in high-precision digital archives of cultural properties, has been added to the world’s most famous Japanese painter. It is a space of “Hokusai Zukushi” where you can meet all the excessively diverse aspects of Hokusai.
Spot Info.
* Spot name: Tokyo Midtown
* They walk more than Tokyo Metro< strong> “Roppongi” station and the Oedo line “Roppongi” station from the nearest station, immediately,
* The access rule of thumb from the land mark point: Than JR Tokyo station, than about 20 minutes and JR Shinjuku Station, about 10 minutes
・Event name: Exposition « Hokusai-Zukushi » 2021
[Period] 2021/7/22~2021/9/17
[Open] 11:00〜19:00(L.O.18:30)
[Place] Tokyo Midtown Hall Roppongi
[Fee] ¥1,800yen
[Organizer] Tokyo Midtown
*1-Please see the following site for details of various events.
* 2-Advance reservation system (reserved date and time ticket)
・Related links:
日本語・English- 東京ミッドタウン・TOKYO MIDTOWN
Area Info.
日本語・English-港区観光協会・MINATO Travel & Tourism Association