Chofu –Spring Rose Festival – Jindai Botanical Gardens

Basic Info.
“Spring rose festival” of this year is held in Jindai Botanical Gardens in Chofu. It is metropolitan, and a rose garden of Jindai Botanical Gardens is a rose garden famous worldwide which won “association of world rose meeting excellence garden Prize” in spite of being the only plant park.
The rose of approximately 400 kinds of 5,200 is in full glory and, including rose ‘queen of, Kojiro’ which named the name of the garden, can watch approximately 80 kinds of wild valuable roses which are the progenitor of the rose in a kind, the old rose garden and rose of the new kind, both modishness Rose.
On morning tour and Sunday, a concert, various events including the spring miniature rose bonsai shop are scheduled, too.
Spot Info.
・名称:神台植物園・所要時間(約)最寄駅 – 10分 京王線調布駅からバスで(バス停:神台食分公園)・ランドマークからの所要時間(約)45分 JR東京駅から25分 JR新宿駅から・情報:神代植物園の春バラまつり3月8日から第 3月31日に第 <詳細>英語-神代植物園のhttp ://日本語 – 神代植物公園
Area Info.
日本語/English-調布市観光協会/Chofu City Tourist Association