Iidabashi – 2017 Popular places for hatsumode (New Year’s visit to a shrine) in Tokyo No. 2: Tokyo Daijingu, a shrine worshipping deities of creation, growth, love and marriage.

Basic Info.
The Tokyo Daijingu Shrine is also called ‘O-Ise-san in Tokyo’ because of its enshrined deities Amaterasu-Sume-Ohkami, Toyouke-no-Ohkami, and Yamatohime-no-mikoto. Being famous as a shrine for good marriage and love, it is popular among young ladies and couples. They also offer omikuji (written oracles) written in English and good luck charms.
Spot Info.
・Name: Tokyo Daijingu
・Travel time (approx.): Closest station – 5min. from JR Iidabashi Station
20min. from JR Tokyo Station, 18min. from JR Shinjuku Station
- Schedule:
- 1st, 2017: Saitan-sai (New Year’s Day Festival)
Jan. 3rd, 2017: Ganshi-sai (Commencement Festival)
Jan. 11th. 2017: Seijin-sai (Coming-of-Age Festival)
On the 17th of every month: Candle Night
* Candle Night is held from sundown to 9PM. It will be cancelled on rainy and windy days.
English-Tokyo Daijingu
Area Info.
日本語・English-千代田区観光協会Chiyoda City Tourism Association http://www.kanko-chiyoda.jp/