Ikegami- Oeshiki is a grand and fantastic atmosphere that will be held for 730 years

Basic Info.
Oeshiki is a Buddhist celebration commemorating the anniversary of Saint Nichiren ‘s death. It is celebrated in many places in Japan, but the festival held at Ikegami Honboshi is one of the most famous festivals in the whole country. This event has been passed down through generations for 730 years. The highlight is the Manyo (10,000 light) ceremony carried around a sacred lantern about 3000 people cherry blossoms, along the way about 2 km from Ikegami station to the temple. Approximately 300,000 people are attending this festival every year. This is a really heavy night event.
Spot Info.
・Name: Honmonji
・Travel time (approx.): 15 min. from Toei Asakusa Line Nishimagome or Ikegami Station
45 min. from JR Tokyo Station, 50 min. from JR Shinjuku Station
○Event: Oeshiki
○From Oct. 11th to Oct. 13th, 2018
◆Manyo Ceremony Oct. 13th 6:00PM~11:00PM
※Internet live distribution available will be broadcast on the Internet
日本語・English- 池上本門寺・Honmonji
Area Info.
日本語・English-大田区観光協会・Ota Tourism Association http://www.o-2.jp/