Bunkyo Ward – Tokyo Metropolitan Parks Fall Foliage Stamp Rally

Basic Info.
During the fall foliage season, the Tokyo Metropolitan Parks hold a stamp rally. A “stamp rally” is an event where participants collect a series of stamps by visiting check points. The first 10,000 who managed to collect 5 stamps will get a 2018-calendar of the Metropolitan Parks. The stamps can be collected at the following parks and gardens: Rikugi-en, Koishikawa-Korakuen, Hamarikyu Onshi Teien, Kyu-Shibarikyu Onshi Teien, Kyu-Iwasaki-tei Teien, Mukojima Hyakka-en, Kiyosumi Teien, Kyu-Furukawa Teien, and Tonogayato Teien. The stamp rally is a great opportunity for the whole family to have fun while enjoying fall foliage.
Spot Info.
・Name: Tokyo Metropolitan Park Rikugi-en
・Travel time (approx.): 7min. from the JR Yamanote Line and Tokyo Metro Namboku Line Komagome Station, 10min. from the Toei Mita Line Sengoku Station
・Travel time from landmarks (approx.):25min. from JR Tokyo Station, 22min. from JR Shinjuku Station
Event:Tokyo Metropolitan Park Fall Folitage Stamp Rally
Period: Nov. 3rd (Fri) – Dec. 10th, 2017 (Sun)
9AM-5PM (Last admission4:30PM)
Area Info.
日本語・English-文京区観光協会・Bunkyo City Tourism Association http://www.b-kanko.jp/