Iidabashi – Enjoy irises at Koishikawa Korakuen

Basic Info.
The consruction of this garden started in 1629 (early Edo era) as part of the Mito Tokugawa family’s mansion. Its name ‘Korakuen’ is derived from a Chinese teaching that says ‘a governor should worry before people and enjoy after people.’
At Koishikawa Korakuen you can enjoy flowers of all season. The northern part has 660 iris plants that blossom from late May to mid June.
Spot Info.
・Name: Koishikawa Korakuen
・Travel time (approx.): closest station – 8min. from JR Sobu Line, Tokyo Metro Tozai Line, Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line Iidabashi Station
20min. from JR Tokyo Station, 20min. from JR Shinjuku Station
・Schedule: Events ‘Enjoying Irises’
○May 25th (Sat) – June 9th 2019(Sun)
○Hours: 9AM – 5PM (last admission 4:30PM)
○Admission: general 300, over 65 150
○Information: Koishikawa Korakuen Service Center
<Details >
English- Koishikawa Korakuen Gardens
Area Info.
日本語のみ-文京区観光協会 http://www.b-kanko.jp/